VS :: Introduction :: 2006

Ladies and Gents, as you might have already gathered from the nomination process and the bracket seeding in the week there after, the Russel David's Mark 'VS' Tournament 2006 is presented to one and all.
Okay, so I might be a little behind the starting gun when it comes to hyping my own hobby-wide tournament, but it's been building it's own hype anyway since the start of April... and I'm just pushing everything to the fore-front now that the Regional Semi-Finals AKA the oh so Sweet Sixteen. The nomination process proved quite eventful, seeding went well, and you can see how the field of 64 panned out by the graphic above.
Look for more updates soon, as far as the statistics behind each round up until now... and also some expert thoughts on most all the match-ups from round one up until now. Atleast expert thoughts, as in my friends and I. Nod.
Until then... last years finals showdown picture and match-up rundown!

Giving up five inches, and 150 pounds, not to mention a countless amount of strength… one would have to say that Keith Scott Zimmerman would have to be insane if he thought he could face and defeat KVC in a fare fight. Well, hell, maybe he would have actually gone insane before the fight… and maybe, just maybe you don’t know who the Dean of the Digital Mafia is, because especially against a man like Creed, he wouldn’t be fighting fare.
Nevertheless this was set to be an otherwise classic battle between the two. With all the archetypes to play off of, too.
Big vs Small
Size vs Speed
Power vs Technique
Status quo vs Smarkdom
KSZ looked to wear Creedzilla down early, avoiding any real direct contact, and all locking up, and instead going for his larger opponents legs. The plan was to make him as mobile as possible, and take away his push. Otherwise keeping his distance or running like hell when necessary. Even the best laid plans can be over turned though, because before long KVC did indeed get a hold of Zimmerman. Using his size advantage The Juggernaut tore into the Patron Saint of Work Rate… keeping a hold of him, to refrain much movement from the usually quick on his feet Zimmerman. An over the head belly-to-belly suplex garnered a long two count.
You had to give Zimmer credit, if nothing else; he was a persistent son of an itch.
Creed looked to follow things up with his own selection of harsh triple powerbombs called the Shockwave, only for KSZ to sneak in a not so subtle low blow, followed by a quick as possible cradle piledriver to keep the Main Man down. From there the Pride of Berkley did his best to use the ring to his advantage over Creed, which of course meant Allison inserted herself into play whenever possible as well. When KVC stood to his feet, on his own power, Zimmerman was quick to take him back down with a flying clothline off the second rope. Soon enough he parlayed a straight-jacket neckbreaker into a very groggy and worn KVC, and he thought he could press his advantage. The big roid monkey was out on his feet after all. Best Brainbuster in the Business? Miles had proved it could work on…
Thing is, Miles gave up much less of a size advantage, and even though Zimmerman was a motherfunkin’ bulldog of a pro, he wasn’t Superman. Well… only to the online community…
The Kodiak’s eyes glistened with the fire of an awakened beast. He stayed on the ground… and instead pushed Zimmerman up into the air, ripping KSZ’s grasp of his neck cleanly away. Then brought the Messiah of Message Boards down from the Gorilla Press into a high angle DDT. The sight was to be seen, the over confidence had set in for Keith Scott, only to be dispersed. Maybe next time, maybe, but not today.
The three count was elementary.
Victor of the 'VS' THUNDERDOME 2004: Kodiak Vic Creed via pinfall