One Man Rant :: State of The Mark :: 2007
Yes, all two of you, I am sorry. heh, Who's kidding who? Take it like a loyal reader, alright?! Hopefully I haven't kept many people waiting so long that they've officially walked away and erased the bookmark of this web magazine from there web browser. If they have, then they'll just have to be given a reason to read my random ranting and self-styled pro wrestling media features. Though as one side note as to why I've put the Mark on the back burner since summer (not to say that the re-invigorated world of wrestling didn't have anything to do with it), I have the pleasure of announcing that on August 29th of 2006 I went and got myself married.
You can call her Mrs. Rachel David... and yes, we'll save money on the monogrammed towels.
Celebration! That's right, I mean, I wasn't doing all that much with my single life anyway, so might as well go for the upgrade. I mean, really. Not to mention I didn't want to have a child out of wed-lock.
Aha... ha... no not really. I'm hardly ready for the responsibilities of married life, let alone that of being a father. Right now, my only baby is The Mark, and as I've spent the last little while talking about, I'm an irresponsible enough parent in that regard, as is. ;)
Hmmmm, I going to be sleeping on the couch tonight too, after that baby comment.
Yes, enough about all of that then, the personal life and the plethora of reasons as to why you haven't read all that much of Russel David's The Mark, this last year. Or at least not as much as you could have. I know you're asking yourself... what's on tap for '07?
Yes, what's on tap for '07?!
Well aside from the column itself, I've been hired on for a notable side project. And no this isn't stalling because I have nothing planned for The Mark's column-major. No, far from it. You see, the thing is, after starting The Mark as a column for a wrestling federation in and of itself, I've been sure to separate it from any one fed since. One, because no fed will ever equal the amazing history and grandeur of a Championship Wrestling League... probably, at least on the history part. Two, because I don't want The Mark to be seen as favouring or pandering to one or a handful of feds, over all others. Sure, that's effected by the feds I have the time to pay attention too, and the things that friends show me otherwise... but it's been my want to make The Mark independent since the closing of the CWL. And that's still the case. But that's also kept me from taking offers from wrestling companies out there, who wanted me to write a column for them, in there magazines or on there sites. But let's FACE it, I'm a married man now, and I need the money!
I happened to find myself in an interesting situation. I enjoyed this certain fed, that came to me with an opportunity. I'm no stranger to working with the owner, thanks to my day job at PWM, so that was even more pull. Plus I think, me arriving with some possibly kind criticism (most of the time, heh) will help give myself and the fed a bit of cross-publicity in a new and entertaining way.
The fed is Spinebuster Wrestling.
The column is Bi-Weekly Bad Juju Morning Quarterback. If you know about the SbW, the long-winded column title hopefully makes good sense to you. So yes, keep an eye on that space, if you're partial too, every couple of weeks starting January 1st, 2nd or 3rd, and then every two weeks after that, every one of there fortnightly shows. It'll be in essence a show review, sure, but with the twist on wrestling column's that you've become used to, in The Mark.
Speaking of The Mark... '07 news, finally.
First and foremost, there'll be the much anticipated final results from earlier in the year, or at least the official results to what had finished and ON-TIME on the 16th of June, the official end and recap of The Mark's VS Tournament, almost a look back on the year that was and the year that changed, since the summer of '06. Chief among those changes, the fact the two finalists, Lindsay Troy and Angelo Deville... are now on a single roster together, that being the scary talented PRIME. When the tournament had ended, Troy was indeed a member of PRIME, but Angelo had disappeared off the face of the earth.
But with this Fuck You business in PRIME, he's about as far away from disappearing as possible.
So yes, look forward to an overview on The Mark's VS Tournament, as well as the 'simulated' fantasy match of Lindsay Troy and Angelo Deville... as well as possible visual accompaniment. This is slated for December/early-January.
Also, slated for January is something I very much look forward too, and that's award season. From the Golden Globes and the Oscars, to the Grammies and the MTV Movie Awards, I love 'em all. Check out and see what the great thinker in the medium, heh, the Blogger, has to say so very well about THAT. And awards season also means the return of the skewed and distorted, and very much biased, Mark Awards. Third annual. And I didn't even think I'd make it past a first annual kind of situation. It'll still be the same set-up, a group of categories voted on by the eWAP, a brain-trust of valid and widely arrayed opinions. Or as widely arrayed and opinionated as possible. Hopefully I can garner as many perspectives on the hobby as possible... keep raising the bar from the first two features. If you would like to be apart of the balloting, make sure to get in contact with me... if you where part of it last year, you'll be receiving a chance to vote this year.
Oh, and I'm also hoping the winner of Federation of the Year, isn't already or about to die within the next calendar year. A repeat would be a nice possibility, people. hah, At least to prove that these shining gold pieces aren't holding any curses, only a respectful nod from your peers to do with what you want.
And of course, the return of all of the regular features.
Like, finally, an up to date as possible FWSX, which is slated for early February, that'll place my Top 20 wrestlers from January in a good form of order... that'll have me second-guessing each one of my picks right along with you, from 1-20. Also there's bound to be plenty of Last Man Standing interviews along the way, where you'll get to here from some of the most note-worthy and notorious wrestlers of the moment. More Roleplay interviews, with superstars talking to superstars (yes, the E took my idea... that I took from Interview magazine, sssshh). Not to mention up to the moment Must Read TV, as I see it, more Reel Wrestling features if I can manage and Thomas Ford's the Bookmark if I can pull him away from his funlarious spin-off blog.
Oh, and retroactively marking out with features from past issues, post-blog, post-web magazine, whenever I happen to run into writers block or a lack of personal productivity. We're talking old interviews with KVC, as well the Ultra Violet edition of Reel Wrestling.
All of this and more... of me ranting, when I have something to rant about. Maybe even some guest rants, when the opportunity arrives, and guest editors are brought in to carry my weight. :D
I know I will, otherwise... well, my name won't be in the title.
At 6:00 PM,
TH said…
You need to add EPW, A1E and MBE to the FWSX'd list ;)
At 10:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
I should've been interviewed TWICE by this slacker.
--Must Die
At 12:11 AM,
Morton Murphy said…
Wow. That column about SbW must be a doozey. Can't wait to read about that.
What about you guys?
I'm right, aren't I?
l8r Gods
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